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The VCR catalogues, available now in different languages, are real user manuals for the winegrowers. There you can find the description of the varieties, the clones and the rootstocks used in our production. In presenting the different varieties, great care and attention is put into highlighting their distinctive features, particularly as far as ampelographic characters, phenological stages, growing attitudes, training and pruning systems are concerned.
Show moreTechnical booklets:
For several VCR clones, additional oenological tests have been carried out in partnership with the University of Milan. This allowed for a deeper oenological characterization through the evaluation of in-depth parameters: each clone is thus mapped out not only from the agronomical point of view, but also in its aromatic profile and, for red-berry clones, in its polyphenolic complex.
Show moreScientific publications:
The value and potential of M-rootstocks according to leading scientific authorities.
Some articles about the Uniud-IGA-VCR Resistant Varieties.
Illustrative and promotional publications:
Historic calendars:
For almost three decades now, it has become a yearly tradition for Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo to offer an illustrated calendar that highlights the best of nursery and viticulture. Particular attention has been paid to the most well-known Italian and foreign grape varieties with replicas drawn from old ampelographic sheets.
The calendar is also designed as a tool to disseminate wine culture among professional winegrowers and amateurs. It is a useful instrument to acquire a comprehensive view of the different national wine-growing heritages by bringing them closer, as well as a freely available array of collectibles to create, over time, your own global-scale ampelography.