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VCR quality and tradition tailored around the needs of your vineyard.

Since its origins, back in 1930, the VCR grafted vines have been synonymous with quality and reliability in all the wine-growing areas of the world. History and experience, combined with unceasing scientific investigation, have elevated this product to an excellent genetic-sanitary level. The VCR grafted vines have a 3-bud trimmed shoot, a regular and perfectly welded grafting point, a 20cm paraffin protection layer aimed at avoiding tissue dehydration, a precisely gauged 30/40cm-long rootstock, collected from highly selected propagation blocks, 10/15cm-cut roots in order to make mechanized planting easier.
Length: about 60 cm

In order to make replacement operations easier, the Original VCR® line is also available in the Original 70 VCR® version: a 70cm long rootstock, which may also be entirely customizable in size, for a perfect match with the winegrower’s needs. Original 70 VCR® is the ideal solution for any replacement in the vineyards during their productive life. It is especially designed to perform replacements from November to June, depending on the environment. It is also possible to install brand new vineyards with a much more efficient approach to the management of weeds and suckers than with regular-length vines. Higher upfront costs but guaranteed future benefits!
Length : about 95 cm

From the perfect match between Public Research (University of Udine & Institute of Applied Genomics) and VCR’s tradition-innovation approach the unique resistant made-in-Italy grafted vine is born! These interspecific crossings, obtained through traditional manual pollination and selected with genetic-assisted selection methods (MAS), are giving us increasingly performing and resistant vines! The 14 resistant varieties currently available are: Fleurtai®, Soreli®, Sauvignon Kretos®, Sauvignon Nepis®, Sauvignon Rytos®, Cabernet Eidos®, Cabernet Volos®, Merlot Khorus®, Merlot Kanthus®, Julius®, Pinot Iskra®, Kersus®, Pinot Kors® and Volturnis®. Resistant VCR®: a new life for the vines!
Length: about 60 cm

The best known and widely used pot in the world’s nursery industry: biodegradable, user friendly and reliable. It is available in the standard 0.25l biodegradable version. Ready to use from April until beginning/mid-June, it is a viable alternative to the traditional field-finished dormant grafted vines. Should any given field-finished grafting combination be out of stock, TinyPot 0.25L VCR® offers the winegrowers a quick and practicable solution not to delay their planting plans, while maintaining the distinctive and qualitative features of the VCR brand®.
Length: about 70 cm

Evolution of the standard 0.25liter pot. It comes with a much larger biodegradable soil pot and a highly developed and robust root system. It’s the ultimate product for the summer/autumn replacements. More affordable than BigPot LX VCR® and ReadyPot 2.0 VCR®, TinyPot 1L VCR® still guarantees a rapid development of the plants thanks to the greater volume of substrate soil than in standard pots. With TinyPot 1 L VCR® you can improve the rooting rate of your replants!
Length: about 70 cm

History, experience and VCR quality combined with respect for the environment. TotalBio VCR® is the result of long-term trials both in field and in protected environment: this is the real organic vine, a marriage between rootstocks and scions grown in full compliance with the current legislation on organic farming. No shortcuts from official guidelines are allowed: we strongly believe that transparency is the main value to be pursued in BIO agriculture. TotalBio VCR® vines are grown in a protected environment, enclosed in an anti-insect mesh. Treated with a carefully implemented fertigation and plant-protection protocol specifically aimed at conspicuously reducing the environmental impact (-70 % treatments), TotalBio VCR® preserves and further elevates VCR hygienic and sanitary standards. TotalBio VCR®: quality and reliability in the complete respect of the environment!
Length: about 80 cm

Current-year grafted vines grown in a protected environment, in a 2l anti-spiralizing pot with air-pruning technique*. The specificity of BigPot LX VCR® relies on the length of the rootstock, which is normally 70 cm long, but completely customizable on demand (50, 60, 80 cm). This feature largely facilitates and anticipates the set-up of the training system and greatly expedites replacement operations by allowing the farmer to carry out, the very day after planting, any under-row chemical or mechanical treatments.
Length: about 1.20 m
*anti-spiralization pot with air pruning© technology: thanks to its structure and inner geometrical shape, this plastic pot actively enhances the quality of the roots, by avoiding spiralizing phenomena and channeling their longitudinal growth towards the bottom. The net at the bottom of the pot allows the roots to come out and be “pruned” by the air (air pruning). The plant's reaction to this natural process is to emit much more roots, so to compensate for what happens to the apexes, which leads to the quick development of a dense, fibrous and radially arranged root system.

Field-finished grafted vines, then transferred into a protected environment during the following year. It comes in a 2l anti-spiralizing pot with air-pruning technique*. ReadyPot 2.0 VCR®, being two years of age, expedites the entry into production of the vineyard. The vertical development of the plant is adjustable to lengths of 1.20, 1.60 and 1.80 meters, depending on the winegrower’s needs. The large-diameter stem is fully lignified and has excellent and fully developed roots. These qualities are essential to make your vineyard “ready” right away.
Length: 1.20 m – 1.60 m – 1.80 m
*anti-spiralization pot with air pruning© technology: thanks to its structure and inner geometrical shape, this plastic pot actively enhances the quality of the roots, by avoiding spiralizing phenomena and channeling their longitudinal growth towards the bottom. The net at the bottom of the pot allows the roots to come out and be “pruned” by the air (air pruning). The plant's reaction to this natural process is to emit much more roots, so to compensate for what happens to the apexes, which leads to the quick development of a dense, fibrous and radially arranged root system.

These grafted vines, originated from VCR’s striving after research and innovation, make tangible today what everyone else can barely imagine in the future. Premium VCR® exceeds any current production standard, aiming at providing the customer with an innovative product obtained through the combination of all the modern techniques. Pre-grafting thermotherapy of the two bionts (scion and rootstock), ensures the highest possible sanitary level and prevents the unwanted effects of how water treatment. These vines are grown in a controlled environment, protected with an anti-insect mesh aiming at strictly preventing the entrance of any parasite and vector insect (viruses and phytoplasmas) and at guaranteeing the impeccable phytosanitary quality. Growth in protected environments – in addition to a significant improvement in quality – allows a considerable reduction of the environmental impact both in terms of plant defense treatments and CO2 emissions. Premium VCR® is not only a product, but a life choice! Premium VCR®: the future is already here.
[produced on demand]