Two thousand employees, two hundred and ten members-producers, a yearly output of over 80 million grafted vines and a commercial network widely spread in 35 countries around the world. These are the figures depicting Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo, a company which has been able to transform a barren land into the number one district for production of grafted vine plants in the world.
This cooperative company has played a key role in a story of resurgence, transformation, and development since 1920, when the invasion of phylloxera in Europe made the future of viticulture dark and uncertain. It was at that very time, a time when the feeling of the sacred relationship between winegrowers and nature lost sight of its fruit, that right here, in Rauscedo, human ingenuity set the most beautiful example of resilience – bench grafting. It was a happy intuition that allowed to breathe new life into European viticulture and laid the foundations for what would later become the undisputed leader of vine nursery – Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo.