Red cultivar obtained from the Cross Regent x 20-3 (code UD. 36-030).
Bud-burst period: everage.
Flowering time: everage.
Ripening time: everage-early.
Yield: medium.
Ampelographic characters:
shoot tip deep pink, hairless. The leaf is of pentagonal shape, the petiolar sinus is an open V. Lateral lobes have a deep V. Cylindrical, long cluster with 1 or 2 small wings, semi-compact. Medium-small berry with uniform colour and medium pruinosity.
Cultural aptitude:
grapevine with high vigour and semi-upright growth habit. Because of the high vigour it is advisable to use medium-to-low vigour rootstocks and plant it in lower fertility soils.
Trellising and pruning:
performs well on wide trellising and long pruning systems such as Guyot and double Guyot.
Resistance to diseases and adverse conditions:
good resistance to downy mildew (Rpv 12) and powdery mildew (Ren 3). Reduced sensitivity to anthracnose. Attention to Phomopsis and black rot. Excellent winter hardiness with resistance to minimal temperatures to -24°C.
Enological potential:
able to achieve an excellent sugar and acidity accumulation in the must. The aromatic profile is very positive because of the glycoside compounds that accumulate to optimal levels for intensity and amplitude. It has an above average concentration of floral and fruit notes. Suitable for production of wines for medium refinement period even though the polyphenol profile has low chromatic stability, but with high polyphenol content and quite high flavonoids.