Catarratto Bianco Lucido
This ancient Sicilian variety is particularly common in the provinces of trapani, Palermo and Agrigento.
1970 |
1982 |
1990 |
2000 |
2010 |
29.152 | 20.042 | 9.791 | 7.547 | 6.121 |
Bud-burst period: everage.
Ripening period: everage.
Yield: good and regular.
Ampelographic characters:
the bud has an expanded apex, it is cottony and greenish-white with a slight carmine-coloured marbling. The small to medium-sized, orbicular, five-lobed leaves have a v-shaped petiolar sinus, closed with overlapping edges. The underside is glabrous. The cluster is compact, medium in size, elongated and cylindrical. The medium- or small-sized (smaller than bianco comune), spheroidal or ellipsoidal berry has thick, pruinose skin and a sweet-flavoured flesh.
Cultural aptitude:
vigorous vine with a semi-upright growth habit. It prefers hot and dry climates and not too fertile soils, better if hilly.
Training system and pruning:
it prefers training systems with limited growth such as guyot or gobelet. Canopy management must be very careful, being this variety very susceptible to botrytis.
Susceptibility to diseases and adverse conditions:
susceptible to botrytis and sour rot, less susceptible to downy and powdery mildew.
Enological potential:
it gives wines of a deep straw-yellow colour, often amber-coloured. The flavor is dry. If harvested early, the product it brings about is a straw-yellow-coloured wine, with greenish highlights and a fruity delicate and fresh scent. Good acidity.