Bombino Bianco
It may have originated, like the varieties of the Trebbiano group in general, in the eastern Mediterranean Basin or, according to some, in Spain. Its main growing area is Apulia, in the province of Foggia, and just about everywhere along the Adriatic Coast. It is often mistaken with other varieties.
1970 |
1982 |
1990 |
2000 |
2010 |
9.152 | 4.621 | 16.438 | 2.984 | 1.924 |
Bud-burst period: late.
Ripening period: late.
Yield: good and constant if the number of buds per plant is not excessive.
Ampelographic characters:
this variety is rather homogeneous, the main differences being about the shape of the cluster. variety is rather homogeneous, the main differences being about the shape of the cluster. The bud has an expanded apex, with cottony texture, whitish-green and bronzed color. The medium-sized leaves, with a closed lyre-shaped petiolar sinus, are three- or five-lobed, pentagonal, with a wavy and blistered blade; the underside is deep green and tomentose. The cluster is medium-large, semi-compact and cylindrical-conical in shape, with evident wings. The spheroid medium-sized berry of a yellowish colour has an evident umbilicus, not easily detachable. The skin is thick; the flesh is loose and bears a neutral flavour.
Cultural aptitudes:
this vigorous vine has an upright growth habit and shows medium-strong, rather long, branched shoots and medium internodes. In the southernmost areas it adapts to different types of soils, provided they are not excessively clayey. In northern areas it prefers looser soils and needs good exposure for a regular ripening of the grapes.
Training system and pruning:
si adatta alle varie forme di allevamento con potature corte (3-4 gemme) e it adapts to various forms of cultivation with short (3-4 buds) and long, but not excessive, pruning: a high number of buds per plant can lead to uneven production. It adapts to fully mechanized systems.
Susceptibility to diseases and adverse conditions:
slightly susceptible to powdery mildew.
Enological potential:
it produces a straw-yellow wine with golden highlights, slightly scented, dry in flavour with a typical light scent, velvety and harmonious. It is often blended with other varieties, thus refining their characteristics.
Clones in propagation:
Bombino Bianco VCR200, CRSAC191.